Myth # 7: All Tax Resolution Companies Are Equal

Realizing you need help from a qualified tax professional to address your tax debt is a huge step. Working with the IRS (if they ever bother to answer a phone call) can be confusing at best, so having a tax resolution company representing you can make all the difference in successfully resolving your debt.

Based on preliminary research, you may be under the impression that there are only a few ways to resolve your tax debt with the IRS. With the limited number of ways to handle tax debt with the IRS, it is easy to believe that any old tax resolution company can solve your problem. This is not the case. In this post, we will tell you why all tax resolution companies are not equal, what red flags to look for when choosing a company, and how Highland Tax Group can help.

Red Flags When Retaining a Tax Resolution Company:

How a tax resolution advertises to potential clients, the requests it makes from clients, and how it treats its clients matter. There are a few red flags you can look out for when selecting a tax resolution company.

Nearly every American is a potential client for tax resolution companies, and some companies look at clients as paychecks, not people. Two red flags that demonstrate a company doesn’t put its clients first are (1) when the company guarantees results and (2) when it demands payment upfront. A tax resolution company can never guarantee an outcome in your case, particularly when it comes to reducing or eliminating your tax debt. It is important to remember that the IRS rarely allows taxpayers to reduce their debt, so a blanket promise of doing so is misleading.

Another red flag to watch for is if a tax resolution company is not upfront about their team’s credentials or assigns someone who is not an enrolled agent to your case. You can easily verify an enrolled agent’s credentials on the IRS website or by emailing the IRS enrolled agent status verification email address

Additionally, tax resolution companies typically ask for full up-front payment. A reputable company will generally set up a payment plan tailored to your case’s progress.

Retain a Qualified Tax Professional:

Highland Tax Group understands that most people in tax debt face legitimate emotional and financial hardship and are under immense stress. We treat our clients compassionately and are always available to answer your questions or concerns.