IRS Sending More Aggressive Notices: What to Do If You Get One

After most of the Covid-19 pandemic was spent taking a backseat, IRS debt collectors are back and more aggressive than ever, as they issue IRS notices. Based on the number of letters and notices being received by individuals and businesses across the country, one thing is becoming crystal clear: Despite the time spent on hiatus, the IRS has not forgotten that you owe them, and they will make every effort to collect.

The IRS Push for a Lucrative 2024

The Inflation Reduction Act, which became law in 2022, provided the IRS with a boost to its budget. As such, the agency is beefing up its personnel with its eye on collections. The pandemic brought with it a significant hit to IRS revenue, and there is a strong desire for the 2024 tax year to be a big rebound.

Because of this, many forms of IRS-taxpayer communication have been more aggressive — more notices delivered to more people with more urgency than ever before. This year, taxpayers in all income brackets have an elevated risk for an audit. Cases are being pushed along more quickly than usual in an attempt to process as many as possible. Wherever the IRS can find money and assets, they will certainly try.

What to Do If You Are Receiving Aggressive Notices

The best solution to IRS collection notices is to be proactive about your tax debt. It is more likely that the volume and aggression of letters and threats will increase instead of decrease. The faster you can get the IRS on board with a repayment plan or an offer in compromise, the less stress you will need to experience. Even if you feel you are in over your head, waiting and doing nothing will only cost you more money and hassle in the long run.

To ensure you are doing everything correctly and to compel the IRS to leave you alone, consider consulting with an experienced tax professional. We can help you attain an acceptable resolution and some peace of mind. Contact the enrolled agents at the Highland Tax Group today.